Sunday, July 26, 2009

Travel Photographer of the Year Awards

Travel Photographer of the Year Awards

Welcome to 'the' international travel photography awards
TPOTY is run by photographers for photographers, judged by renowned photography experts, and provides amazing prizes, including foreign travel, the latest photographic equipment and photography tuition.

Who can enter?

Anyone! Wherever you live in the world, whether you’re an amateur or professional photographer, and whatever age you are, you can enter TPOTY.

Check out the three portfolio categories, the One Shot single image category, Young TPOTY (for kids with cameras), the First Shot beginners’ award and New Talent, for students or those looking to kick-start a career in photography. One - or more - of theses will be right for you!

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Why enter?

As well as great prizes, TPOTY offers international exposure, through the TPOTY Journey books and our exhibitions. TPOTY has helped many photographers - not just the winners - raise their profile, sell their work, get commissions or launch photographic careers. Click on the menus on the left to learn all about this year's TPOTY competition.

How to enter?

Click on the menu on the left. Explore the prizes and categories, check out the Winners’ Galleries to see images from previous years, then visit the ‘How to Enter’ section to learn exactly what you need to do to start submitting images.

Keeping you in the picture

To receive regular updates on the awards, books and exhibitions click here.

We are also passionate about protecting photographers’ copyright so your images remain yours at all times and we do not ask for or grant unlimited license to use your images.

As a result, we are proud to say that TPOTY is on the Pro Imaging Rights-On list.

What's in the rest of the site?

Once you've discovered all you need to know about the awards, why not explore the rest of the site and the three linked sites?

Take a Journey

The TPOTY Journey books, featuring fabulous images from the first four years of TPOTY, and are available through this site. The next book, Journey Three, will be published this year and images entered into TPOTY 2009 will be considered for inclusion in Journey Four.


Come and meet us or see the best images at our exhibitions.

Photo Iconic Photography Courses

UK and international photography courses and holidays with tuition from award-winning photographers. Special "On Assignment" courses for those who want to sell their images of turn professional.


Book and equipment reviews, travel and photo news and features, free prize draws, tips and technique and thoughts from TPOTY.

Travel Shooters Showcase

A chance for photographers worldwide to showcase their work to an international audience. Take a look, get inspired - and maybe submit your own images?

link to website

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